Kamis, 04 Juni 2009

Be Part of the Action at Universal Studios Tours

Have you ever dreamed of being on a reality show? Here is your chance! Universal Studios Tours now has Fear Factor Live, which is a stunt show that uses audience volunteers. With three to five shows each day, the chances of getting on the show are pretty good!

Are you ready to face your fears? There are some important things to know about Fear Factor Live at Universal Studios Tours before you sign up. First, this is for real. This is not a cheesy attempt to replicate Fear Factor and please a studio audience. The stunts are very real, and they are performed by audience members just like you. There is no coddling here!

If you still want to participate, simply visit the casting office, which is located near the Terminator ride in the theme park. You must meet certain physical requirements to ensure that you can handle what is about to be asked of you. You must also complete and sign a liability form, holding Universal Studios and Fear Factor harmless of any injuries or damages you may incur.

Before the show begins, some audience members who were not selected to participate are called on stage to face smaller challenges, such as eating various bugs. The winner of the pre-show contest wins great prizes, such as an annual pass to the theme park. This is followed by an audience warm up with the hosts of the show.

The show consists of six contestants that were chosen from the casting office – if your lucky, you might be one of these! They are dressed just as the contestants on the original Fear Factor dress – in tight uniforms. A series of challenges, much like the challenges on Fear Factor are presented to the contestants. Falls from high places, skill tests, and of course, the famous gross-out challenge. During the show, a random audience member is picked for yet another challenge – such as sticking their head in a tank full of scorpions.

Guest Services at Universal Studios Tours

There are many services that will help you enjoy your day at Universal Studios, and you should definitely take advantage of the ones that apply to your situation. The folks at Universal want you to have a positive experience, and these services are meant to help you do just that.

There is a ‘Will Call’ service located right outside the gates. Here, you can have tickets that were purchased online reprinted if necessary, get ticket reservations, or put your pet in a kennel. Also located outside the gate is the Group Sales Window. Here, you can renew your annual passes, or replace lost annual passes. The Annual Pass Center is also located here.

The Guest Relations booth is where you will find visitor information concerning hotels, campsites, and other interesting things to do in the area. You can also get assistance and guides for guests with disabilities and audio assist units. Travel assistance, lost and found, and the lost children’s center are also located in and near the Guest Relations booth.

Strollers and Wheelchairs are available for rent in the upper lot. Lockers, where you can store your items for the day, are also available. ATM Machines are located at the main entrance and in the lower lot by the Jurassic Cove CafĂ©. You may use traveler’s checks and credit cards at the ticket booth and in the gift shops. Checks are not accepted at Universal Studios, and proper identification is required for the use of credit cards and traveler’s checks.

First Aid is located in the upper lot near Animal Planet Live. There is another first aid station inside the Jurassic Park Visitors Center, which is situated in the lower lot. There are eight designated smoking areas, which are indicated on the park map. Smoking will not be permitted in any other areas of the park.

You should also take advantage of the Package Deliver Service at Universal Studios Tours. This service will allow you to buy merchandise, and then pick it up near the exit before you leave. The package pickup is located near Universal Film Company.

Again, all of these services are designed to make your visit to Universal Studios Tours more enjoyable. If you have any problems at the park, including problems are situations that are not discussed here you should find a staff member and request assistance. They will do everything within their power to help you rectify your problem, and continue with your Universal Studios Tour.

Military Discounts for Universal Studios Tours

Universal Studios Tours is proud of the men and women who serve the United States of America, and to reward them for the great service that they provide, specially priced tickets are offered. These tickets are available for all active duty military personnel, retirees, DOD personnel, members of the National Guard, Reserves, all other military personnel, and all dependants.

If you are unsure whether you qualify for these special military prices, you should contact your Commander, Universal Studios, or Commander, Navy Region, Southwest at 619-767-6000.

In order to benefit from the special military prices, your tickets must be purchased in advance. These specially priced tickets are not available at the gate, online, or over the telephone. Instead, these tickets can only be purchased from MWR ITT/ITR offices located throughout the United States. You must present a military or US Government Identification card when purchasing these specially priced tickets.

If for any reason your local base does not have tickets available for purchase, they will order them for you. This typically takes about five days, so take this into consideration when planning your trip – get your tickets as early as possible. Don’t wait too late, or your tickets will not arrive in time for your scheduled leave, and you will have to pay the full price for admission into the park. No exceptions will be made.

The only way you can order your tickets by telephone, and still receive the special military prices is by contacting the Commander, Navy Region, Southwest at 619-767-6000. Your tickets will be mailed to you, and should arrive within seven business days. Overnight service may be available, but there will be an additional fee. Do not call the regular phone number for Universal Studio tickets or you will be charged the regular price. You will be charged the regular full price if you order your tickets online, purchase them through a Ticket Masters Outlet, or order them through a travel agent as well.

The Universal Studios Tours Special Effects Stages

When you visit Universal Studios, the Special Effects Stages is an attraction that should not be missed. This is not only a great way to learn and understand how special effects are done in the movies; it is also a great deal of fun. It is really quite interesting to see how it all comes to life in Hollywood!

There are three Special Effects Stages: The Virtual Studio, The Creature Factory, and The Sound Lab. Remember that this is an interactive attraction, so you will be able to create your very own special effects. You will learn many of the special effects secrets used in major movies, such as The Hulk, The Mummy Returns, Jurassic Park, and many others. There are Universal Staff members available to help with the effects.

The special effects stages are not designed for people who have medical conditions that may be affected by strobe lights, or anything resembling strobe light effects. People with sensitive ears should avoid this attraction, or bring and use earplugs. The Special Effects Stages are located on the lower lot at Universal Studios.

Make the Most of Your Universal Studios Tour

If you will be visiting Universal Studios, you need to be prepared. Arriving at the park unprepared can literally ruin your vacation! Follow these tips to help you get the most out of your Universal Studios Tour adventure.

It will be very hot. Make sure that you dress in cotton clothing that is cool. You should strongly consider bringing a change of clothing, so you can change into dry clothes after the rides that soak you, or if your clothes get too sweaty. If you will be there during the evening hours, bring warmer clothes to change into. Do not wear new shoes! There is a lot of walking involved, and you won’t last one hour in brand new shoes. Wear an old pair that are well broken in. Bring an extra pair of shoes to change into if yours get wet.

Make sure that you bring earplugs. There is a lot of noise at Universal Studios, and some of the attractions are deafening. Also bring sunscreen, sunglasses, and hats to help protect you from the sun. Use a backpack or a fanny pack to carry your belongings in – there are also lockers available through guest services if you need a safe dry place to store your things.

Make sure that you take the Universal Studio Tour early in the day. The park will remain open several hours after the tour has closed for the day. Designate a meeting place with everyone in your party, in case you get separated. Make sure that everyone in your party has a map, and that they know how to read it!

Leave small babies and toddlers with a sitter. They will not enjoy Universal Studios, and they will make sure that you don’t enjoy it either if you bring them. Consider purchasing VIP passes which will allow you to move to the front of the lines for the attractions. This is a huge time saver, and will keep you from wasting valuable time and getting bored.

Avoid eating inside the park if you can. It is very expensive, and the food is much cheaper right outside the gates in City Walk. Also save your shopping for the end of the day, so you don’t have to carry packages around with you. Universal Studios Tours does have a package delivery service, which will allow you to pick up your purchases at the end of the day near the exit, in case you find a souvenir that simply won’t wait until closing time.

Most importantly, see and do as much as possible, and have fun! Universal Studios has been entertaining us for years, and entertainment is what Universal Studios Tours is all about!

Universal Studios Tours – Attractions to See

If you are planning a trip to Universal Studios, there are many attractions to keep you occupied, including the Universal Studios Tour, which takes about one hour. However, there are some attractions that absolutely must not be missed!

All of the rides have a movie theme, and if you’ve seen the movies, this makes the rides more enjoyable. Start with Backdraft. This isn’t actually a ride, but it is a fire show that features lots of stunts and interaction. Other shows that must not be missed include Animal Planet Live, WaterWorld, and Fear Factor Live. With Fear Factor Live, make sure that you know what you are getting into before you agree to participate!

Terminator 2: 3D is the same as the movie Terminator 2 – but it is in 3D, which you probably have not yet seen. The Mummy Returns: Chamber of Doom is like a haunted house that you walk through, which is full of thrills. The Studio Tour will have you on the set of Jaws and Psycho, in a western town, on a New York street, and experiencing an earthquake with King Kong.

How To Get the Most Out Of Your Universal Studios Tour Experience

Universal Studios is a huge place, with lots to see and do. If you want to experience as much as possible in one day, it is important to plan your day. By planning your day, you will be able to get more in than you would if you went in without a viable plan.

Start the day with the Universal Studios Tour. It takes one hour, and you need to be there before the gates open. It is important to be on that very first tour, so you can avoid some of the long lines at the theme park.

Universal Studios is divided into two lots – the upper lot and the lower lot. When you are ready for the theme park attractions, start on one lot or the other, and visit all of the attractions on that lot before moving to the other one. This will cut down a lot of walking time. The upper lot usually opens before the lower lot, so start at the top if possible.

After a day at the theme park, be sure to visit Universal City Walk right outside the gates of the park. The City Walk is three blocks of shops, restaurants, bars, and entertainment. This is a great way to end a perfect day at Universal Studios Tours.